
Showing posts from September, 2021


 COLLABORATIVE CONNECTIONS 1. What exactly are you focused on about connections and community? I am focused on how the connections I establish on social media help create our online community.     In other words, social media allows us to connect with people we may never meet in real life.  We get to know them just like we would a friend, coworker, or family member. We share our thoughts and feelings with our connections.  I am focused on creating a safe community for all of us to be free of any negative criticism or opinions and focuses on creating a space for free thought and expression—a space where we have intelligent discussions on matters that are important to us. An example would be someone who feels overworked and mentally exhausted.  They might create a group on Facebook that focuses on mental health.  Other members who are experiencing the same issues at their workplace find the group and join.  The group becomes a place where they post and discuss different ways to care fo


INTELLECTUAL STANDARDS PART 2 1.     Depth 1. I understand "depth" to mean adding layers to your statement, idea, or question 2. In other words, when we say a question has "depth," we are implying more behind the question's meaning.  When a statement causes you to probe deeper and has you questioning how this relates to you, that is having "depth." 3. An example of someone exhibiting depth with social media would be someone posting images of the Haitian migrants trying to cross the Mexican border for asylum and being attacked by Texas Border patrol with whips.  Under the image has a statement saying, "The U.S. turning a blind eye to Haitian asylum seekers." 2. Breadth 1. I understand "breadth" to mean looking at multiple viewpoints of a statement. 2. In other words, we may not agree with the statement. Still, if we can look at all sides of the statement (liberal and conservative views) and recognize the different perspec


COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS What is a community, what is a connection, and how are they related? When I think of community in terms of social media, community would be the platform we use (i.e.: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc.). Connection is the idea or thought that brings us together.  They are related because without a community, you wouldn’t be able to connect with like-minded people and you would be able to spread awareness to importance issues or concerns.   In other words, social media helps us build our communities that we can connect with others who express the same interest or concerns.  By doing so, we can spread awareness to a larger audience that we may not have been able to reach without our community.   An example would be if you needed help finding resources for government assistance and you decided to join a Facebook group who provides information on different resources available.  By doing so, you now joined a community of people who are interested in finding the


INTELLECTUAL STANDARDS - PART 1 Clarity I understand "clarity" to mean a statement that is easy to comprehend, free of ambiguity.  A statement that is universally desirable.   In other words, when we provide clarity, we are providing clear thinking and clear directions.  The reader can grasp the meaning of the statement without any misunderstanding. An example of someone exhibiting clarity with social media would be someone  making a twitter post on their stance why the Black Lives Matter movement is important.


THE ELEMENTS OF THOUGHT PURPOSE I understand " purpose " your primary goal or objective.  In other words, the reason why we exist. An example of someone exhibiting  purpose  using social media would be a Native Hawaiian activist protesting the construction of the 30-meter telescope on Mauna Kea because it desecrates their sacred land.  Their purpose is to defend their land and what is sacred to them.   QUESTION I understand " question " to mean providing the foundations on trying to solve a problem or issue. In other words, whenever you have a question you are trying to solve, you want to make sure your question is clear and not opinion based.   An example of someone exhibiting questioning using social media would be someone creating a discord thread asking their audience what are some good study habits and why?   ASSUMPTIONS I understand " assumptions " to mean our unconscious thoughts that we don’t pay much attention to but are often biased or based on p


SOCIAL MEDIA MESSAGES   1 .       Social media messages are   "constructed".   The main point of this message is to be cautious of what you see on social media and that the messages that are posted only provide a glimpse of reality.    In other words, you are led to believe that the image is “candid” when in reality, it took multiple shots, it was photoshopped and edited and looked over before it was actually posted.    Do not believe all social media posts reflect what is real. For example, social media influencers only posts images that normally make them look good.    Their audience will be led to believe these images reflect their reality when infact, these images were edited and enhanced.   2.       Social media messages shape our perceptions of   reality .  The main point of this message is how we view reality is interpreted by the messages we post on social media.    In other words, the images, articles, and videos we chose to share with our audience help showcase our

Intellectual Traits

Intellectual Traits Week 2 Post 1:  KAWENA LORENZO 1.      Intellectual Integrity a.      I understand " Intellectual Integrity " to mean wanting to find the best solution to any situation b.      In other words, when presented with a situation that has opposing parties, the party that can       present the most facts based on actual evidence on why their reasoning is correct would exhibit       intellectual integrity. c.       An example of someone exhibiting  Intellectual Integrity  using social media would be talking         about how getting the covid vaccine would help save lives and providing evidence on the          benefits of getting the covid vaccine. 2.      Intellectual Independence   .                 I understand " Intellectual Independence " to mean having your own thoughts be your guide for                                         how you figure things out.              a.   In other words, when trying to figure out what religion you would like to pra