1.     Depth

1. I understand "depth" to mean adding layers to your statement, idea, or question

2. In other words, when we say a question has "depth," we are implying more behind the question's meaning.  When a statement causes you to probe deeper and has you questioning how this relates to you, that is having "depth."

3. An example of someone exhibiting depth with social media would be someone posting images of the Haitian migrants trying to cross the Mexican border for asylum and being attacked by Texas Border patrol with whips.  Under the image has a statement saying, "The U.S. turning a blind eye to Haitian asylum seekers."

2. Breadth

1. I understand "breadth" to mean looking at multiple viewpoints of a statement.

2. In other words, we may not agree with the statement. Still, if we can look at all sides of the statement (liberal and conservative views) and recognize the different perspectives of the statement, then that is having "breadth."

3. An example of someone exhibiting breadth with social media would be someone posting an article about Texas Governor Abbot signing a stricter abortion bill and how this law hinders women's rights.  Even though you might not necessarily agree to abortion due to your personal beliefs/religion, by being able to look at all sides of the issue, whether you agree with it or not, you can exhibit "breadth."

3. Logic

1. I understand "logic" to mean helping a statement make sense

2. In other words, for a statement to have "logic" behind it, the idea should have supportive arguments and facts.

3. An example of someone exhibiting logic with social media would be someone posting how the Trump administration did not believe climate change to be real. Climate change is a global issue. The world's leading scientists agree that climate change is human-induced, warning that the rapid increase in melting polar ice caps is due to human activity.

4. Significance 

1. I understand "significance" to mean being of the utmost importance.

2. In other words, when we talk about an issue, we want to concentrate on the most important ideas behind it. Those ideas that are relevant to the issue provide much-needed "significance" to the topic.

3. An example of someone exhibiting significance with social media would be someone writing an article about the Homelessness Crisis in Hawaii. A significant issue would be how most of the homeless population in Hawaii are Native Hawaiians.  That topic is significant to the issue due to the cost of living in Hawaii being one of the nation's highest medians.  Much of the Native Hawaiian population is finding it challenging to afford their own home, with the majority living paycheck to paycheck.

5. Fairness 

1. I understand "fairness" to mean free of bias opinions, deception, or dishonesty.

2. In other words, when we look at a topic, we can put aside our viewpoint and consider the matter at hand without referencing our feelings or interests.  By doing so, we can exhibit "fairness" on the topic.

3. An example of someone exhibiting fairness with social media would be an Atheist talking about why the Bible is an essential religious artifact and how it helps those who believe in Bible's words connect to their God.

6.     The concept of intellectual standards helps us with our everyday life.  It allows us to provide intellectual thoughts and statements to our audience while looking at different viewpoints and perspectives.  Intellectual standards help us differentiate ideas based on facts vs. opinions.  Intellectual standards are a part of every subject, topic, form of discussion

7. The assignment's purpose is to recognize the role of intellectual standards and how you can incorporate intellectual standards in your everyday life.

8. The key question at the heart of the assignment is to ask ourselves if we are following intellectual standards when presenting a thought or statement online?


  1. Hey Kawena, your statement had accuracy when you said, "1. I understand "fairness" to mean free of bias opinions, deception, or dishonesty. 2. In other words, when we look at a topic, we can put aside our viewpoint and consider the matter at hand without referencing our feelings or interests. By doing so, we can exhibit "fairness" on the topic." Everything you said about fairness is authentic and true, great work!


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