1.     Social media messages are "constructed". 

The main point of this message is to be cautious of what you see on social media and that the messages that are posted only provide a glimpse of reality.  

In other words, you are led to believe that the image is “candid” when in reality, it took multiple shots, it was photoshopped and edited and looked over before it was actually posted.  Do not believe all social media posts reflect what is real.

For example, social media influencers only posts images that normally make them look good.  Their audience will be led to believe these images reflect their reality when infact, these images were edited and enhanced.


2.     Social media messages shape our perceptions of reality

The main point of this message is how we view reality is interpreted by the messages we post on social media.  

In other words, the images, articles, and videos we chose to share with our audience help showcase our sense of reality and the world we live in.

For example, the public believed the Jackson 5 was the example of perfect family based off the images and video the media showed.  A Musically gifted family, and a talent like Michael Jackson, never seen before.  When in reality, their father was abusive, and they struggled with self-image issues that carried on into their adult hood. 


3.     Social media messages have different audiences and different understandings of the same message."

The main point of this message is that social media provides us with the resources to posts what we believe and how we convey that message to our audience.  It is our responsibility to be mindful how the images we posts will be interpreted not only by our audience but the general public.

For example, if someone doesn’t believe in Gay marriage, they might post an image of a gay couple getting married with an X across the image.  Their friends and family might understand the message, but others might interpret that image as the person does not like gay people at all.  Same image, different interpretation.  


4.     Social media messages embed points of view.

The main point of this message is to be mindful of what is being advertised on social media.  Companies will create images that will generate certain feelings to get the public to want to buy their products.

For example, when GTE Hawaiian Tel first rolled out landline Long Distance Calling in the 80’s, it was expensive.  The company didn’t want the public to concentrate on the pricing, rather the need to use their service.  The company created a commercial where you see a girl who went to college inter-island on the beach, thinking about her family as she stares at her Hawaiian bracelet.  Another image you see her remembering her childhood and her birthday and the Hawaiian bracelet she received from her mother.   Then you see her studying in her dorm room where she receives a call from her mom and she says, “Oh mom, I was hoping you would call.”  Music fades and you here the pricing of calling being at the time $1.71 a minute.  No one concentrated on the pricing, all anyone wanted to do was call their loved one because of that commercial.

The purpose of this assignment was to understand how our messages can be construed on social media and to understand what is real/authentic and what is constructed reality.

The key question at the heart of this assignment is what type of images and messages do you post on social media to your audience?  Are those images a reflection of your reality or what you want your audience to believe?  Do you know how to convey your message to reflect the same meaning to a wide range of audience?  Do you post images and messages to create certain feelings?






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