1. What is a community, what is a connection, and how are they related?

When I think of community in terms of social media, community would be the platform we use (i.e.: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc.). Connection is the idea or thought that brings us together.  They are related because without a community, you wouldn’t be able to connect with like-minded people and you would be able to spread awareness to importance issues or concerns.


In other words, social media helps us build our communities that we can connect with others who express the same interest or concerns.  By doing so, we can spread awareness to a larger audience that we may not have been able to reach without our community.


An example would be if you needed help finding resources for government assistance and you decided to join a Facebook group who provides information on different resources available.  By doing so, you now joined a community of people who are interested in finding the same information as you and can help you obtain information that you may not have been able to find on your own.  You are also able to share your thoughts and concerns with people who may be in the same predicament as you thus, providing emotional support.  You are also able to connect with new people and build new friendships.


2.         2. What do you take for granted or assume about connections and community?

The one thing I assume about connections and community is that everyone in the community has the same beliefs as you.  That is not the case.

In other words, just because you are part of the same community, does not mean that other people in the community will have the same beliefs as you.

An example is that I am part of the LGBT community.  I would assume that everyone who is in the same community feels that we deserve the right to get married as marriage is considered a human right.  I have found that there are some members of the community who because of their religious belief feel it is wrong for same sex couples to enter in matrimony.

3.      3. The purpose of the assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is to see how communities relate and connect with one another.

4.     4. The key question at the heart of the assignment is 

How can we make our online community a safe space for everyone to connect with one another free of prejudice and toxic behavior?


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