1. What exactly are you focused on about connections and community?

I am focused on how the connections I establish on social media help create our online community.   

In other words, social media allows us to connect with people we may never meet in real life.  We get to know them just like we would a friend, coworker, or family member. We share our thoughts and feelings with our connections.  I am focused on creating a safe community for all of us to be free of any negative criticism or opinions and focuses on creating a space for free thought and expression—a space where we have intelligent discussions on matters that are important to us.

An example would be someone who feels overworked and mentally exhausted.  They might create a group on Facebook that focuses on mental health.  Other members who are experiencing the same issues at their workplace find the group and join.  The group becomes a place where they post and discuss different ways to care for their mental health and how they’re feeling.  The group becomes a safe space for these strangers to connect and find people in the world who are experiencing the same issues as them and talk about those issues and find not only a connection but a friendship.

2.     What other information do you need to consider to better understand connections and community?

I need to consider the intention of people to connect and what value they would bring to the community

In other words, not everyone you encounter online would be sincere and transparent in their reason for wanting to join the community.

An example is who is physically fit and wants to join an online community of people struggling with health-related issues.  I would be cautious of allowing someone to join that community as they might not be able to relate to the problems of others in the community.  Others might feel intimidated with their joining and might not want to disclose how they think with fear of being mocked or judged

 3. The purpose of the assignment? 

The purpose of this assignment is to see how communities relate and connect

 4. The key question at the heart of the assignment is?

What type of people are you connecting with, and what kind of community are you building?


  1. Hey Kawena, I am questioning the depth of your statement, " The purpose of this assignment is to see how communities relate and connect." The reason being is that I feel like you could go a little deeper into the meaning of your answer. Such as what type of communities or elaborate more on what type of connection. Besides, that great work!

  2. Your statement had clarity when you said, "I am focused on how the connections I establish on social media help create our online community." Connections are the backbone when it comes to social media, hence the name SOCIAL media. The example you gave was pretty good at describing how social media can be used to bring people who have similar backgrounds/interests together in order to form their own community.


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