Intellectual Traits

Intellectual Traits

Week 2 Post 1:  KAWENA LORENZO

1.    Intellectual Integrity

a.    I understand "Intellectual Integrity" to mean wanting to find the best solution to any situation

b.    In other words, when presented with a situation that has opposing parties, the party that can

     present the most facts based on actual evidence on why their reasoning is correct would exhibit

     intellectual integrity.

c.     An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Integrity using social media would be talking

      about how getting the covid vaccine would help save lives and providing evidence on the

       benefits of getting the covid vaccine.

2.    Intellectual Independence

 .               I understand "Intellectual Independence" to mean having your own thoughts be your guide for                     

            how you figure things out.

           a. In other words, when trying to figure out what religion you would like to practice, you can take 

              people’s advice into consideration, but in the end your intellectual independence will be your

              own decision and what you feel is the right religion for you.

            b. An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Independence using social media would be

                 posting online their love for God.

3.    Intellectual Perseverance

 .               I understand "Perseverance" to mean to not give up wanting to learn something even if it’s 

            difficult to understand.

            a.  In other words, trying to learn a second language (ie: if English is your first language and you

               decide to take up learning Spanish).

            b. An example of someone exhibiting Perseverance using social media would be writing a post    

             in English and Spanish and allowing others to comment on that post to provide feedback on 

             how you can improve.

4.    Intellectual Empathy

 .               I understand "Intellectual Empathy" to mean allowing yourself to understand how others think

           and feel.

          a. In other words, someone who is conservative but has a family member who is LGBT and may

             not agree with their lifestyle but can still love them for who they are.

          b. An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Empathy using social media would be a

            conservative Christian mother being an activist for their LGBT son/daughter to have equal rights.

5.    Intellectual Humility

 .               I understand "Intellectual Humility" to mean the willingness to admit that you do not know

            everything there is to know.

            a.   Admitting that you do not know everything about the coronavirus.

           b. An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Humility using social media would be making

         a post about how you may not have wanted to get the vaccine at first because of your lack of

         information, but after doing your own research and hearing what people in the medical field were

         saying, you decided it would be in. your best interested and the interest of others around you to get


6.    Intellectual Courage

 .               I understand "Intellectual Courage" to mean speaking up for what you believe is true even if the

           majority doesn’t feel the same way as you.

          a.  In other words, someone who decides not to get the covid vaccine because they feel there is not

             enough information available on what the long-term side effects are.

        b.  An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Courage with social media would be making a

          post on why they decide not to get the covid vaccine and allowing others to comment on why you 

           should get the vaccine but staying firm in your convictions.

7.    Confidence in Reason

 .               I understand "Confidence in Reason " to mean that we should be able to agree to disagree.

          a.   In other words, even if we do not see eye to eye on a situation, we should still be able to come 

           to an agreement based off facts and evidence instead of emotions and biases.

       b. An example of someone exhibiting Confidence in Reason using social media would be

         President Joe Biden who is of Catholic faith, posting online that he is deeply concerned with

         Texas’ restrictive new abortion law that went into effect on Wednesday violating the Constitution

         and pledges to “protect and defend” abortion rights.

8.    Fairmindedness

 .               I understand "Fairmindedeness" to mean finding out a way that everyone can benefit equally.

        a.  In other words, not putting your wants and needs above others and understanding that sacrifices

       might have to be made from everyone including yourself to get the desired outcome that will

        appease all. 

       b. An example of someone exhibiting Fairmindedeness using social media would be someone who

     writes a post about why having unemployment available during the pandemic is important for

     everyone regardless of if you’re still working.  Even though you may be paying taxes to help those

   who are unemployed, their money could go back into your place of work which helps you stay

    employed.  Not judging others based off their circumstance.

9.    The purpose of the assignment is to get a better idea of the 8 intellectual traits and how they relate

     to you.

10. The key question at the heart of the assignment is how do you incorporate the 8 intellectual traits

     on your social media platform?




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