Preparing your content for Facebook Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Facebook" means posting things that will engage your audience to come across your page more and interact with your posts. Facebook is famous for worldwide events. It is best to create a headline that makes your audience curious about your posts and makes your audience want to click on your posts. An example of shaping Your content for Facebook would be if someone made a post about human cloning and how it could help us restore damaged body parts, and the headline would read "Stop: Youʻre not seeing double."

Preparing your content for Twitter Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Twitter" to mean sharing information about current events that might catch your audience's attention by using attention-grabbing quotes that your audience would be interested in retweeting. For example, like an attention grabber, you're grabbing people's interests with your attention-grabbing quote above your article to retweet. It is also beneficial to post your tweet at different times throughout the day so your content is visible to others who might not have seen it posted earlier. An example of shaping Your content for Twitter would be someone tweeting about people in Hawaii residence receiving false missile alert message with a quote "Hawaii panics with false missile alert" and a link to an article below the quote.

Preparing your content for Pinterest Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Pinterest" to mean having a variety of tall and wide images on your board of what you want to share with people on Pinterest or for other people who might not have Pinterest but still need inspiration. When you have a variety of sized images, you can also add rich pins with descriptions and a headline to make your board stand out and catch peopleʻs attention. An example of shaping Your content for Pinterest would be making my Pinterest board create custom sugar cookie designs. I would make the taller images be a picture of my favorite design and have a headline describing simple steps to create your custom cookie. I would also include a video containing all the ingredients and step-by-step instructions that my audience could follow.

Preparing your content for Instagram Sharing

I understand "shaping Your content for Instagram" to mean using peer-to-peer photo sharing to help spread your content and brand. Using images to help share your account and keeping the photos consistent with your brand will help grab the attention or interest of your audience and balance your pictures using the rule of thirds. An example of shaping Your content for Instagram would be if someone made an Instagram account to promote their modeling photos, they would make sure their images are consistent with their work. They would post pictures that have them in different locations, different outfits, and different types of modeling opportunities. They would also make sure theyʻre consistently posting new content to create interest and make sure their photos reach a wider audience.

The purpose of this assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is to understand the different ways to share your content across the social media platforms.

The key question at the heart of this assignment

The key question at the heart of this assignment is am I utilizing my content to maximize my sharing capability across my social media platforms?


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