What is a social media strategy?

A social media strategy is a marketing tool to share your brand with your audience.  Essentially, it is the plan you create to have your content reach your maximum target audience.  Your social media strategy requires research in your area of expertise and planning how you expect to get your content out to your audience.  When I have a new client who needs help with their social media strategy, we discuss their business/niche and what platforms they want to market their product/themselves on. We research relatable hashtags in their market.  It is always important to see what your competitors are pushing out, and better prepare yourself to make your content more desirable or exciting to your audience.  It is also essential to be consistent with your posting.  Having a set schedule of when you plan to post your content will train your audience to be on the lookout for your content during that timeframe.  Also, make sure your feed/grid is consistent with your brand.  If you want to post something not on-brand with your business, I recommend posting it in your story or as a link.  If your content is not consistent, your audience will get lost in the message youʻre trying to get across about your business and not trust that you know your brand.


An example of posting your content consistently is using a posting scheduler such as planoly.  My clients can upload their content to planoly, and I can write out the post and schedule the day and time when it will post to social media. I can plan out the weekly or monthly content, ensuring it publishes at the same time weekly or monthly for our audience

What conclusions are you coming to about a social media strategy?

Patience is key.  There isnʻt an exact code on how to make your content gain exposure.  Donʻt be disappointed if your post isnʻt gaining traction.  Be consistent in your posting, and create content that is interesting to your followers. Get your followers involved.  Ask them what type of content they would like to see from you.  Some weeks you will have posts that do really good, and some might not show any movement.  Research  your competitors and analyze the right hashtags to use in your post will help you gain followers and create a brand that people want to invest in and follow.


An example of having a good social media strategy is my recent client.  During October, we posted her Halloween creations daily, and she would gain over 1,000 Likes, with some of her posts reaching over 2,000 Likes.  For November, we have found it a little more challenging to have her content reach the same exposure.  This has required me to do more in-depth research into the hashtags we are using and adjust our hashtags to be consistent with our competitors, reaching a wider audience.  Knowing how to adapt and make those necessary changes is key to having a good social media strategy.


The purpose of this assignment?


The purpose of this assignment is to understand how to use social media strategy to build your social media brand.


The key question at the heart of this assignment?


Do you have a good social media strategy?



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