What do you take for granted or assume about sharing?

I take for granted the power of what we share on social media.  I use to assume that when we share content, it would only been seen within our friends and family.  I would never have imagined that when I shared a video on Tik Tok of my father showing off his tattoos to someone while he was waiting in the doctorʻs office, that video would go viral and be shared across multiple users.   

For some reason, that video connected with a lot of people.  The comments from the video included, "a genuine soul," "Theyʻre having a connection," "What is his star sign," and countless others.  People related to the interaction my dad was having with this lady as being genuine and an organic connection of two people interacting.

Here is the a screenshot of the my video that went viral on Tik Tok

What exactly are you focused on about sharing?

I am focused on sharing content that is interesting and resonates with users.  I am focused on content that is considered "worthy" of being retweeted, tagged, reposted across multiple social media platforms.  I am focused on sharing content that is engaging, creative, and humorous.

In other words, I found the interaction my dad was having with the lady in the waiting room as humorous because he randomly started to show off his tattoos to someone who did not ask to see it.  I found it even more funny when he commented "I donʻt know why I did one flower itʻs for girls."

Here is a screenshot of the video showing that it has 92.4K views, and was shared 57 times.

The power of sharing: Marieke Hart at TEDxBrainport

The Purpose of this assignment  

To understand the power of sharing and the value that sharing brings.  That sharing something youʻre passionate about, something that makes you laugh, or something that shocks you will help you connect with others.  Sharing provides community and creates human connections.

The key question at the heart of the assignment is 

What do you plan on sharing with others?




  1. Aloha Chloe,
    Wow, what an eye-opener for you to realize just how wide spread your social media activity can go. I can see that your statement of "I would never have imagined that when I shared a video on Tik Tok of my father showing off his tattoos to someone while he was waiting in the doctorʻs office, that video would go viral and be shared across multiple users" how it show'd so much RELEVANCE because you presented that you had this idea, this concept, of Sharing something via Social media in a personal way and then realizing that Sharing via Social Media is NOT personal at all, it's anything but. So, buyer beware, using Tik Tok and other Social Media platforms are great tools for expression, but it is not a tool for maintaining something small intimate or personal, because there are no bounds to the internet and those it can reach.


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