very good - NBC News - Fake News: Lies spread faster on social media than truth does

only partially trustworthy - Black Hills Pioneer -What if you had to rely on social media for news?

 probably untrusthworthy - The Guardian -Facebook rolls out campaign to fight misinformation before Australian election

The similarities between all three articles mentioned that fake news spreads faster on social media than factual news. 

In the article from NBC News, Sinan Aral of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, wrote in the journal Science, "Falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more broadly than the truth in all categories of information, and the effects were more pronounced for false political news than for false news about terrorism, natural disasters, science, urban legends, or financial information." 

The article from Black Hills Pioneer talks about how someone was getting ready for an election, and misinformation about him was spread across social media. He claims that a post with a statement from him saying, "Please vote for me! I will ensure NO MASKS required, with LESS LGTBQ nonsence (sic) in our schools, LESS SCIENCE like 'climate change' and 'vaccines' and MORE emphasis on CHRISTIANITY and FREEDOM and a TRUE American Learning System", was quickly spread amongst his friends and family. 

In the article from The Guardian, The head of FaceBookʻs Public Policy in Australia, plans to deploy a "range of measures" to combat misinformation from being spread in the upcoming 2022 federal elections. 

The differences between all three articles mentioned why false news is so quickly spread. 

In the NBC News article, David Lazer of Northeastern University and colleagues wrote, "People prefer information that confirms their preexisting attitudes, view information consistent with their preexisting beliefs as more persuasive than dissonant information (confirmation bias), and are inclined to accept information that pleases them." 

In The Black Hills Pioneer article, Nathan Hoogshagen blamed the spread of false on his campaign due to memes and misinformation slander. 

The Guardian Article talks about FaceBook holding individual members accountable for spreading misinformation instead of the political party they represent. While not commenting on Kelly's position specifically, Machin said Facebook took a different approach to party pages as opposed to individual members of parties – even if a banned member was the parliamentary leader. "Part of that becomes more complex when a page or account is representing different people, or a different organisation, rather than just the individual who has previously been banned from our services," he said.

The conclusion that I have come to about untruthful news is that it spreads faster and easier than truthful news. People are willing to spread untruthful news because of the shock value it carries. Untruthful news is spread across every social media platform. It is up to the individual to determine, based on their crap detector, if what they come across is false news or truthful. 

The purpose of this assignment is to have media awareness of the information we come across online and to use our crap detector to weed out false information.

The key question of the assignment is, do you believe everything you read online?


  1. Aloha Kawena,
    I find that your statement shows CLARITY when you said "The similarities between all three articles mentioned that fake news spreads faster on social media than factual news." Your acknowledgement that regardless of Good, bad or somewhere in-between articles & reporting we are finding in Today's News Cycles that Fake News spreads faster than the real honest truth. and you said "Some are newspapers that are not very popular and the information they provide is not the most important about the situation that is being lived, it is more to enlarge and generalize things that do not happen throughout the country." I think you hit it right on the mark...because we ALL have been seeing this first hand over the last several years...Little known venues have been getting big headlines by sensationalizing events/activities to make them into a bigger story, many times when there really is not (much or real) story there. Thus, I concur with, and appreciate, your desire to create a list of videos that make people aware of the use of social media. People could use all the help they can get to help see through data and discern between fact and fiction.


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