

WHAT IS A HASHTAG? Hashtags signify the theme of your content is made out of a pound sign attached to a word or phrase.  Hashtags are used to tag or group content of a common topic.     For example, hashtags are a way for people to search for the content of a given topic.  Hashtags are used as a hyperlink to filter down the overflow of online content and locate people who share the same interest as you.  Hashtags are used on social media networks.  Hashtags are also used for businesses to throw their brand into online conversations and engage with their customers.   An example of using hashtags on instagram would be if I were to look up sugar cookies, I would search #sugarcookies.     WHAT OTHER INFORMATION DO YOU NEED TO CONSIDER TO BETTER UNDERSTAND HASHTAGS? Some information you need to consider when using hashtags are to always use the # before your chosen word or phrase.  Do not use punctuation or spaces in the hashtags.    For example, if there are numerous keywords in a hashtag,


What is a social media strategy? A social media strategy is a marketing tool to share your brand with your audience.  Essentially, it is the plan you create to have your content reach your maximum target audience.  Your social media strategy requires research in your area of expertise and planning how you expect to get your content out to your audience.  When I have a new client who needs help with their social media strategy, we discuss their business/niche and what platforms they want to market their product/themselves on. We research relatable hashtags in their market.  It is always important to see what your competitors are pushing out, and better prepare yourself to make your content more desirable or exciting to your audience.  It is also essential to be consistent with your posting.  Having a set schedule of when you plan to post your content will train your audience to be on the lookout for your content during that timeframe.  Also, make sure your feed/grid is consistent with y


Preparing your content for Facebook Sharing I understand "shaping Your content for Facebook" means posting things that will engage your audience to come across your page more and interact with your posts. Facebook is famous for worldwide events. It is best to create a headline that makes your audience curious about your posts and makes your audience want to click on your posts. An example of shaping Your content for Facebook would be if someone made a post about human cloning and how it could help us restore damaged body parts, and the headline would read "Stop: Youʻre not seeing double." Preparing your content for Twitter Sharing I understand "shaping Your content for Twitter" to mean sharing information about current events that might catch your audience's attention by using attention-grabbing quotes that your audience would be interested in retweeting. For example, like an attention grabber, you're grabbing people's interests with your atten


 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF SPREADING YOUR IDEAS ON SOCIAL MEDIA? The purpose of spreading your ideas with social media is to inspire others and connect with people to create a better community. People share ideas on social media, help spread knowledge and information, or encourage people to develop their ideas. It is also helpful in developing your online identity to understand the type of person and your brand.  CAN YOU NAME & EXPLAIN SOME OF THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF SPREADING YOUR IDEAS WITH SOCIAL MEDIA? Some basic principles of spreading your ideas with social media would be creating content that evokes curiosity, amazement, and surprise.  You have to share content that people will want to research and spread on their social media because they find your content relatable, interesting, or inspiring.   Another principle is not creating friction between sharing and engagement.  Readers will either read your content and be excited to share it or find it too much of a hassle to share it


When creating your brand online, it is essential to establish a home base presence.  This is important because your home base will help you control your narrative.  Having a website or a blog where you maintain your message and where everything you do online connects back to is essential in making sure your brand is showcased positively.  Search engines such as Google, Firefox, and  Safari use search engine count links when people search.  The more searches that go back to your home base, the higher your rank in the search engines.  The best way to create a home base online would be by creating a website with your name. Another essential step in your home base branding has a picture.  Your picture will help your audience connect with your brand.  It can be a picture of yourself (real or cartoon version) or something easily recognizable with your brand (a logo or graphic unique to your brand.). You can use this picture across all social networks, commenting systems, etc.  Having one ima


WHAT IS YOUR DIGITAL FOOTPRINT? A digital footprint is our online activity on the internet (your electronic “breacrumbs.”)   In other words, anyone looking for information on you (your current or future employers), friends, family members, or even the police can search your name online and pull up any post, comment, submission,  or picture you published online.  Our digital footprint is permanent and does not go away.   If you were interviewing for a new job and your employer wanted to get a better idea of who you were, they could as you for your social media and see if what you post and how you conduct yourself online aligns with the companies values.               IF I DECIDE TO CREATE A DIGITAL FOOTPRINT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?             Any information you share online can be used to build a picture of who you are and your                       activities and interests.               In other words, be careful what information you share online.  Be cautious of where                y